

This is a picture a student drew of me. xo


the goals…

If you’ve taken any time to peruse my website, you have found by now it is very much about me. Which I suppose is normal if I am trying to capture, curate and celebrate my own artistic journey and tell you a little about myself and where I am coming from.

However, the goal, is to make a life that is very much not about me. In fact, I would like to help as many people as I can. Whether that is through art that serves a mass audience, or people I can teach, young and old alike, or a new philanthropic effort or a place where I can do service - I’m there. Having chosen to live a very simple life, these days I actually would like massive amounts of wealth because I know what I’d do with it. I know who I’d help and how. But short of that, I am going to be as generous as I possibly can be, without being taken advantage of (and no, they are not the same thing. If you lie, cheat or steal, you will be greeted by a very different side of me, I can assure you. That b side melody has played its last track.)

Having had a real spiritual experience where God actually came into my life and rescued me from a family that secretly hated me, healed my grief about parents who were now gone, saw me through the passing of my beloved dogs, wiped away the memories of all the wrong men I so wanted to be the right men, and brought peace so strong that it obliterated the moments of horror a single gal trying to make it on her own, with absolutely no help from family and enamored by all the wrong things in the impressive guys in NYC who promised you the world and left you cold, would inevitably go through - I’m home. I am now back to myself and finally have become the woman that little girl was meant to be so long ago. Gee, it took a minute, but I was navigating so much wicked, wicked stuff. And some people never find themselves and even fewer - God - so all in all I believe I made out more than alright.

But what now? I am so, so, so grateful I got to help raise other people’s kids after 30 years of teaching, but I would like to do more for kids - whether that’s through adoption or being a “big sister” or in helping orphanages and children’s charities in some significant way.

And I’d also like to help as many animals as I can. I have a heart for the innocent ones.

I’m not sure how I will do all of that, but that’s the dream. And if I make any kind of art, I hope it will add beauty to the world and inspire people to be the very best versions of themselves.

And so there I sit, on the edge of what was and what was never meant to be, on the precipice of what will come, not sure, at all, what my destiny is. But I know it will be based on truth and when I listen, all will be heard from a hard won deep well, and I can say, I knew what it was to be alive. I gave it a real shot…and I became the person God meant for me to be. No great resume or trophy in the window, but a heart that’s at peace. And I guess, in the end, that’ll have to be alright. What else was there to do here anyway, except love as many people as you meet along the way, as we all walk each other home…to where we are really meant to be. - Jen